Chatty Café

Active Luton has joined the Chatty Café scheme.

Active Luton is proud to announce its new partnership with The Chatty Café scheme, a scheme which aims to reduce loneliness and get people chatting from all ages and backgrounds.

They now have designated Chatter & Natter tables at Inspire, Lewsey and Hightown which allow all customers, both new and old, to take a seat and say hello to someone who they maybe wouldn’t normally speak to.

Whether you’re on your own, with some friends or family you can sit down at one of their Chatter & Natter tables have a drink or some food and start some good conversation.

The Chatter & Natter tables will be in operation at  Hightown Community Centre  on Mondays from 11am to 1pm, Tuesdays 1pm to 3pm and Fridays 12pm to 2pm. (See the timetable below for other times at Lewsey Sports Park and Pool and Inspire Sports Village.)
